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Hello, guys!

It’s very nice to meet you)

I found your chasis at cults3d and then i found your site.

Maybe you can make a new body of BMW e38 for your chasis? I think it will be cool

And tell me please, how can i make a donate to support you?

Szilard has reacted to this post.

Hi Volodymyr,
BMW e38 is a legendary car!
Unfortunately, for now we are pinned down as fighting for me not to go back to a 9am to 5pm job. My brother not even resigned from his, so he is very strained…
I love all BMWs, I would love my bro to do this body, but I cannot say we can see when we could get to this.

Our plan as of today is as follows:

Right now we are trying shorts on this channel: (hoping for a good youtube induced kick for views)

Few STL short videos left to be uploaded, after those we go for entertaining videos on our main channel here as those videos were the ones made a little money so far…

If we somehow started to fly as right now we are at the edge of closing down all this 🙁
After 4 years of constant investment of everything (even free time) There would definitely be more chance for creating the e38 body by us.

I would recommend you two things for now:
1: get the e38 body STL from some site (I am sure someone already done it. Look for it on all 3D related webites like Cults3D… etc)
2: get the wheelbase of the e38 you want to build and after that you can set DESTINY to it!

Lastly if you’d like to support us you can get to a PayPal donate link in our website’s footer
Peace Out!
Szilard from mfactory33
